Everyone who is reading this blog update : this is a copy of my new blog. Lady Librarian , I am asking everyone to start following . Little by little I will be moving there permamently. https://ladylibrarianasst.blogspot.com Hello out there in blog world. I sit here and think about how cold it is getting. Then I wish that maybe I didn't move. Because in my old apartment I had a fireplace! And now I do not :(! So I have not been working on my novel this week . In which leaves a bit of time to work on my blog. I have discovered a new author that seems wonderful to give a try. Her name is Inger Iversen , discovering her on Goodreads.com . Her title that caught my eye originally is called Goodnight Sam(Running in the Dark 0.5) Coolest cover I think. Goodreads Synopsis Since his turning, Trace's job is death-- a Watcher. A position created assist the undead to their final resting place without the alerting humans of the vampire race. Whether Trace's job is to witness...
Lady Book Voodoo review is a Blog based on Novels that I suggest in the Horror genre. If you like to get a post every week with fun titles for suggestion then this is it. Horror, Paranormal Non-fiction paranormal, Paranormal Romance, along with erotica paranormal . Are all my reads. If you are a writer and would like for me to post your work ? Please read my policy and email me. Follow me for great suggestions, along with monthly prizes.