Happy Weekend Book lovers & Bloggers! This week was a truly hectic week and for some ungodly reason ! The weather was just as serious in New Jersey /Philadelphia Area. One minute you do not know if you are to just were a sweater ,or coat & scarf. I mean it is Febuary, right?!
How many of you readers , read self published novels? I am curious to know this .Being when ever you see book blog's. You usualy see famous authors novels. (Usauly)
Well I have decided to dedicate a day out of every week for Athours that are just starting out. The first title I am going to post today ,
DEMONS AT DEADNIGHT (Divinivus Nex Chronicles #1)
A&E Kirk
Paranormal Young Adult
404 pages
Just to let everyone know a fellow blogger that I follow is having a giveaway .Please feel free to enter if interested . At Supernatural snark (Follow this link) http://supernaturalsnark.blogspot.com/2012/02/review-giveaway-demons-at-deadnight.html '
As I was browse around I found a very interesting article about self publishers
Authors like Amanda Hocking did a good job self publishing on her own . She states in her interveiw , I dont know if I can say I did better then using a Publisher . But I do know that I am doing pretty good on my own.
Check out the link to USA Today http://www.usatoday.com/life/books/news/2011-02-09-ebooks09_ST_N.htm
Another Great Author Felicity Heaton , author of just newly released Covet & Heart Of Darkness.

Website Link : http://www.indieparanormalromancebooks.com/p/books.html
Another one Kelly Abell ,wrote A Haunted Mirror ,

Self Published Authors Novels
Laura Kaye Forever Freed
Robin Wright Fae Nights
Kimberley Reeves Whispers to the Heart
Jessica Musso The Secret Of Moose River
Jade cooper Dark Consent (Dark Vampire Series)
Lucy Swing Bloody Valentine
Kimberely Hall Betrayal Born of Blood
Karnia Halle Lying Game (Experiment in Terror series)
Shawn Chesser Soldier On: Serving the Zombie Appocalypse
B.M Hodges Zombie Fever
These are only a few of selfpublishers out there. Find more at SmashMouth.com

~Magickal Graphics~
How many of you readers , read self published novels? I am curious to know this .Being when ever you see book blog's. You usualy see famous authors novels. (Usauly)
Well I have decided to dedicate a day out of every week for Athours that are just starting out. The first title I am going to post today ,
A&E Kirk
Paranormal Young Adult
404 pages
Just to let everyone know a fellow blogger that I follow is having a giveaway .Please feel free to enter if interested . At Supernatural snark (Follow this link) http://supernaturalsnark.blogspot.com/2012/02/review-giveaway-demons-at-deadnight.html '
As I was browse around I found a very interesting article about self publishers
Authors like Amanda Hocking did a good job self publishing on her own . She states in her interveiw , I dont know if I can say I did better then using a Publisher . But I do know that I am doing pretty good on my own.
Check out the link to USA Today http://www.usatoday.com/life/books/news/2011-02-09-ebooks09_ST_N.htm
Another Great Author Felicity Heaton , author of just newly released Covet & Heart Of Darkness.

Website Link : http://www.indieparanormalromancebooks.com/p/books.html
Another one Kelly Abell ,wrote A Haunted Mirror ,

You can find on Smash Mouth or Amazon.com , in E-book formats.
all for you . So I have decided to come up with a list for your own records . Self Published Authors Novels
Laura Kaye Forever Freed
Robin Wright Fae Nights
Kimberley Reeves Whispers to the Heart
Jessica Musso The Secret Of Moose River
Jade cooper Dark Consent (Dark Vampire Series)
Lucy Swing Bloody Valentine
Kimberely Hall Betrayal Born of Blood
Karnia Halle Lying Game (Experiment in Terror series)
Shawn Chesser Soldier On: Serving the Zombie Appocalypse
B.M Hodges Zombie Fever
These are only a few of selfpublishers out there. Find more at SmashMouth.com
~Magickal Graphics~
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