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Showing posts from June, 2012

Saturday Night Book's are Tight ! :)

Something to read? Pledged by Gwynneth white       The Murmuring by Carly Ann West  (Coming in 2013) Haven by Kay Hooper And now a touch of something horrifyingly reality shaking scary titles..that's right Non-Fiction if you will. The Demonologist: The Extraordinary Career of Ed and Lorraine ...                                       Overview If you think ghosts are only responsible for hauntings, think again.  The Demonologist  reveals the grave religious process behind supernatural events and how it can happen to you. Over twenty years in print, here is the original uncut version of this classic text. Illustrated with photographs of phenomena in progress, every sentence in the book is true. Used as a text in seminaries and classrooms, this is one book you can’t put down  Check out all the reviews on :  http://ww...

Return of the Living Dead Saturday book Rondevu

                       The Pack by Jason Starr Simon is a main charater in the book ,in the begining his luck was horrible. Here this poor guy had a wife and a son and the perfect job in NYC. Simon is this happy guy who loved his life and his job abd of course his family. One day Simon's luck began to take a turn for the worst. He goes to work like any other day and get's canned after dedicating so much, so long. Like so many of us do. Simon begans to go threw the notions of loosing his job . He trys not to become depressed and does what he can to keep going. His lovely wife Alison gives him the up most support ,takes it under the chin . Because after all she was growing so tired of the both of them working . And there son being raised by the Nanny. So Simon becomes a stay at home Dad. He really starts liking this ,he has time with his 3 year old more and more now. The ...

Hump Day Dedication (Review)

                                       Hump Day Dedication (Review) Its Hump Day everyone and its half way through another Hell of a week, J this week I have been crazy busy writing my first novel and all. I have to tell you , I find it to be really difficult to make extra time sometimes. But as you bloggers know already like yourselves, we make the time. One way or another we squeeze it in! So has read Z.A Recht yet, anybody? If you have please write me and tell me what are your thoughts on the series. Unfortunately I read somewhere on line that he passed away back in Dec. 2009.   Sadly I am supposing that he wasn’t able to finish that last title.    This new title that is now out called Survivor’s, was helped written by another author by the name of Tom Brannan? Trag...

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Official Trailer

                                                              Good day blogger's it's Sunday and we are all dreading the simple fact that tomorrow we are back on the clocks for another day and a another dollar. But thank the heavens that I have a job.   Has anyone read any novels by Richard Kadrey before? He is coming out with a new novel in August 28th called Devil said Bang: A Sandman Slim Novel.                       Devil said Bang: A Sandman Slim Novel Summery from the Website : While ruling the denizens of darkness does have a few perks, James Stark isn’t exactly thrilled at the course his career (not to mention his soul) has taken. Breaking out of Hell once was a miraculous trick. But twice? If anyone can do it, it’s Sandman Slim. While h...

Hot as Hell Friday Review

Blog World I'm a New Jersey/Philadelphia chic . I am so frigging not use to this Microwave heat that NJ has been giving the last few days. It's bad enough that Jersey reminds of hell ,now it's official!! Lmfao                                                                                                                                                             TWILIGHT SAGA                                          (after thought)   Twilight is soon to be rel...

Hump Day Review Line-up

Well..well it is hotter then hell today in New Jersey. And I am just sitting in front of my computer ,looking outside in to my neighborhood. Thinking I wish that I had a frigging pool ! I have to tell you world last night was the first night ,that I watched The Woman In Black.                                                                 3 STARS I am so sorry to say this ,but you sucked Woman in Black. Now Let's not get this twisted there were a few moments that got me. But the majority of the film. Lame and the ending was different I guess, but I think it could of used a little touch up's there. Sorry Dude. . . We will be now going in to July now and there are tons of authors coming out with great stuff to read. 6/26/2012   Author: Cynthia Eden    (Angel Betrayed )     ...

Hump Day Review Line-up

Bloggers of all nation’s ,we have finally reached mid-week known as Hump Day! Which is splendid for Lady Zombie I have vacation time that will up after Wednesday. Now I do not know how familiar you all are to Windows Live Writer. But I am definitely giving it a test run. See when you use it to post your blogs you can pre-set the date ahead of time. So if you just so happen to be reading this and it is only Monday night or Tuesday . Not my fault, but I can tell you this much. This girl will no longer put my faith in to The Great Live Writer Again NEWS FEED: Once again among my many search’s I found a title that really caught Lady Zombie’s Heart . Now you all know about my true love for Zombie titles.DUH………after all I am Thee Lady Zombie Journal ! We will start the News Feed off with a short Bio of one of the authors . Jason Starr Jason Starr was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1966. H...

Sunday book Press

There are so many different book sites out there . We can log on in to just to find upcoming novels. One that really catchs my attention ,I do think that there authors are wither like self publishers or just new. Only because I do not know of them or familiar to there series. This one in particular place that I am talking about is called Coffee There are lists of diffrent publisher companys and genre's to pick from. What I feel is even cooler about it is there are no type of predigests againts what type of E-Reader you have. In another words if you have a Nook in color like me ? You may then buy a book and download it to your nook. Or if you have a Kindle ,you may do the same. You get the idea right.To me this is a beautiful thing. If you are not familier with this site ,I left you a idea of what publishers there are. Like , Amira Press, Andrew UK Limited, Asylett Press,Awe-Struck, Beach Walk Press, Black Velvet Seductions, Burts There are all Genres like Chick lit ...

Thirsty Thursday Reviews

Good morning my horror followers … Today I awake to such a beautiful breeze coming threw my window and it’s Thursday. Which mean that it is just on more day closer to Friday. All smiles everyone ,all smiles, Today I bring you a title that’s a little bit on the unique side. Author Alan Steven Kessler wrote A Satan Carol…very intriguing ! Can’t wait to see what’s next!               A Satan Carol By Alan Steven Kessler                                                                                   A Satan Carol ...

Lady Zombie Sugetions

Blog world here we are another day another dollar. All you Bloggers,readers,writers who went to the 2012 BEA . I will be there next year. I am super disappointed with me for not going.                                            Suggestion's   Eternal Press:Blood Moon By Holly Hunt                Upon a dark and blood-filled hour, humanity's doom will rise to power… Werewolves are real. They haunt the woods of North America, feeding on the bodies of humans stupid enough to blunder across their paths. Once rogue and uncoordinated, the rise of their goddess Alsvinth has brought them all together, with one goal: destroy as much of the species as necessary to enslave them within meat farms, to feed the ...

The Uninvited By Steven Lachance

Bloggers I really had a touch of reality after reading this novel. You all should know me enough by now that when it comes to reading my books,the always gotten be something terrifying! Well I think that I found one of the best Ghost telling novels just yet! The Uninvited is the name and it is written by Steven Lachance. In his book he talks about true paranormal accounts that happen to him and his 3 Kids in his home called The Union House.                                             The Uninvited Local Reviews    The St. Louis Post Dispatch "One of the best books of 2008!" St. Louis Magazine "Steven LaChance is one of the up and coming writers of our t...

Dead City (by Joe McKinney)

                       Last night I finished Dead City by Joe McKinney and Wow. This book was great ,so good . It really has been awhile (besides The First Days By Rhiannon Frater) since I read something that grabbed me the way this title did. I'm giving this 10 star's simply because I love it so much. I immediately went on Barnesandnoble to receive the other two in the series. Which are Apocalypse of the dead and Flesh Eaters. Cant wait to crack them open! Just imagine being a cop on a typical night .Sitting in your patrol car and on the radio the dispatcher has a call for you. immediately of course Eddie the main character is listening in. Him and his partner at the time respond to the call. In the same instance texas is being hit with all these hurricanes at once. So the dispatcher tells them disorderly drunks in a quiet  neighborhood .. Only to arri...

Friday Night Author Dedication Night

Blog friends maybe I am the slowest book blogger in the world. But little by little, discovery by discovery I find new titles and authors to read and write about. So tonight is the starting week of Vamp Week! This week I will post hot vampire titles and there authors of course. Take a minute to look at the Vampire Art from a website called or Nice work right! Personally I think the skull would make a hot tattoo? Tonight’s Author I bring …. Jacquelyn Frank                                                  { L it t le Bi o } Jacqueline is a NY Local who now lives in Carolina’s. She is not only an awesome Author ,but I like her just because she is a Kitty Cat Lover like me! You have to be one to understand ...