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Showing posts from October, 2012

Extra Extra Read All About it

Wow man Millville Public Library is becoming a more modern and Happening spot . I can remember back when I was a young girl . I use to come down to South Jersey to visit my family. Millvile had dirt roads and was nothing but country. Now we have Authors coming to little South Jersey Public Library . We also now have a theater where famous people can come to perform .Now it may not be Singers I wanna see. But its a change , I will give credit where credit is due! Next month in November we will be having Author Kristen Battestella at the Library.        Kristin came out with The Series:  The Vampire Family   Antonio Welshire was sadistic even before Mestiphles turned him into a vampire. Over the centuries, the Welshire patriarch has had his favorites--his tormented wife Elizabeth and her exotic sister Ann, just to name a few. Victoria's whims rival that of her father's, but daughter Samantha spends the decades looking for an e...
                                                           Devil's Wake by Steven Barnes My rating: 3 of 5 stars ~ Monster Girl ~ Review You guys you who know me, know that on a rare occasion that I wont finish a zombie book. But this story was diffrent then the rest! An normaly that would be a great thing. But I got more then half way threw the book and saud to myself. Self ...where is the real horrable ,terrifing ,mind blowing action??? It never really comes you'll have a couple parts with a little bit. But most of the book talks about the group of survivors and what there doing. Sorry but Monster girl I to put this one back on the library shelf. And thank God it's not my shelf. Even though ...

Monster Girl Is Back!

My blog friends my appologies for being gone for so damn long. As you know Im sure, sometimes life has it's way with you . Guess I was caught in life's web of the everyday world. Besides working 2 jobs wouldn't do it to me ? Would it . .                                CHOSEN By Heather Fleener In the beginning...there were Vampire. Man’s fall from grace sparked the birth of the Dark creatures from the underworld. To counter the explicit threat to mankind, divinely-created immortals were brought forth. The Witch encompassed seven Castes of power; their magic was most effective against the nefarious agenda pursued by their enemies. Over the thousands of years of war, members of each breed have been swayed to the calling of the other, leaving neither able to claim ultimate victory in its mission. This first book in the Ancients o...