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Sin’day Night Blood Fest Review

Can I just start off tonight's blog with OMG I am loving the weather out here! I mean you can really start to feel the spring outside! I spent the whole weekend just weeding my plants and planting. Ok enough already about my nerdy life. Let's get it on with some hot ass titles that I found this weekend! OK Kindle lovers here is a title that I happen to come across for only 99 cents.



                                                             BLOOD SMOKE AND ASHE’S



                                                                                                                                                                      by Bradley Convissar

                                                                                                                                                                      4.3 stars - 23 Reviews


From the Author from Amazon:

Recently, for a contest, I was asked to write a 150 word explanation of what made Blood, Smoke and Ashes different from other books.  What made it stand out.  I hate being constrained by word counts, but since I had to do it, I did it.  And  this this is what I had to say about my first true novel. in 150 words or less:

Blood,Smoke and Ashes combines the fast-paced nature of a traditional thriller with a complex human element found in traditional horror stories.  It is a supernatural thriller/horror, a hybrid tale that blends genres and appeals to readers of both thrillers and dark fiction.  It never gets bogged down with too much history but enough backstory is presented to allow the reader to truly understand the characters and their motives. It is a character driven story, and while it is a supernatural tale, at its heart it is a story about the human spirit and the human condition: what drives us, what breaks us, what defines us. As FBI agent Jack Shaw discovers at the end of the book, not every monster is created equal, good and evil is not as black and white as he has always believed and not everything that is broken can be put back together.


                                                                                                                                                              FREE KINDLE NOVELS



                                                                                                                         The Brown Exorcist


                             A short supernatural tale about Tomaru, an exorcist living on a small island. Some call him the smoking saint because he likes to smoke. Everyone seeks his help and he will never say no to those who depend on him. He is not just an exorcist but a powerful healer. A very simple story which gives insights into the mysterious world of the occult.


                                                                                                                                           DARK HOUSE



With all the vampire, werewolf and faerie books out there, it's easy to become numb to all things supernatural. The antidote? Darkhouse introduces two real and unforgettable characters, Perry Palomino & Dex Foray, amateur ghost hunters who are "attractive, relatable and oddly heroic," "flawed but loveable," "slightly crazy" and just the most endearing pair to ever tackle the paranormal...just don't call them normal. Darkhouse is a thrilling and sexy new take on concepts like Supernatural and The X-Files, bringing a breath of fresh air to a genre that has been inundated with the dead.


"There's always been some­thing a bit off about Perry Palomino. Though she's been deal­ing with a quarter-life cri­sis and post-college syn­drome like any other twen­tysome­thing, she's still not what you would call "ordi­nary." For one thing, there's her past which she likes to pre­tend never hap­pened, and then there's the fact that she sees ghosts. Luck­ily for her, that all comes in handy when she stum­bles across Dex Foray, an eccen­tric pro­ducer for an upcom­ing web­cast on ghost hunters. Even though the show's bud­get is non-existent and Dex him­self is a mad­den­ing enigma, Perry is instantly drawn into a world that both threat­ens her life and seduces her with a sense of impor­tance. Her uncle's haunted light­house pro­vides the per­fect cat­a­lyst and back­drop for a hor­rific mys­tery that unrav­els the threads of Perry's frag­ile san­ity and causes her to fall for a man, who, like the most dan­ger­ous of ghosts, may not be all that he seems."

Rated 16+ for language and gore



Experiment in Terror - a mature New Adult Horror/Romance series

  • Darkhouse (Experiment in Terror #1)
  • Red Fox (Experiment in Terror #2)
  • The Benson - a novella (Experiment in Terror #2.5)
  • Dead Sky Morning (Experiment in Terror #3)
  • Lying Season (Experiment in Terror #4)
  • On Demon Wings (Experiment in Terror #5)
  • Old Blood - a Novella (Experiment in Terror #5.5)
  • The Dex Files (An Experiment in Terror Companion Novel #5.7 - August 13th, 2012)
  • Into the Hollow (Experiment in Terror #6 - October 23rd, 2012)



                                                                                                                                    GRAVE DOUBTS


                                      grave doubts


There is an eerie presence roaming the pages of “Grave Doubts.” Our protagonist, Lee Vanderhaven, embarks on a journey through the timber country of Central Oregon to discover the truth about the apparent suicide of her best friend from an overdose of insulin. She is accompanied by a strange onyx bird. Does it embody the spirit of her dead friend? Is this supernatural presence even friend or foe? Lee won’t know until she’s left hanging from a steel beam above the “feed chain” in a local sawmill one night, with a crazed man trying his best to shake her loose. And even if she makes it out alive – this time – the real killer lurks in the shadows with another hypodermic needle meant just for her.
Endorsed by COMPULSION READS as a "solid book" that kept the reader guessing all the way through.
" I didn't see the end coming which to me is the essence of a good writer."
"I didn't figure it out...and that was refreshing. Spectacular read."
"I have read both Grave Doubts and Mass Murder, and although I enjoyed them both, Grave Doubts is my favorite."


Amazon Prime Members :


                                                                                                                                                                       Patient Zero



The world is on the verge of global change. The rate of planetary significant events and crisis is increasing exponentially. As a civilisation we are facing a simple yet dire choice, either we fall into a new dark age off affliction and degradation or we embark on a new paradigm for human development. Humanity's recklessness and lack of foresight has shaped a world in social and environmental upheaval, and thus the time to make this choice is running out.
The D.B.D research institute, in co-ordination with the United Nations, the European Union and the IMF have formed the Lazarus Project. The jewel of D.B.D.R.I and the brainchild of Noble Prize winning Dr Klaas GuĂ°mundsson, the Lazarus Project is a Transhumanism mega project, encompassing all facets of human genetic research and development. The Lazarus Project will achieve not only a technological revolution in medicine and wellbeing but the deepest of social transformations.
The Lazarus Project is the only adequate response to the global challenges we are facing. By integrating the latest discoveries from the sciences, genetics, bio engineering, Nano technology, neurology, cybernetics and cognitive sciences we can reset what was previously thought to be our limits, thus new reality and future man will arrive, and with a solid grounding in the everlasting spiritual ideals we will make sure the work continues us upon the path to sanctity.
The Lazarus Project will lead humanity out of the impasse, from the murder of nature and physical death, forward into our infinite true potential.
In Mid 2012 a facility under the control of a Dr. Klaas GuĂ°mundsson, the lead genetics researcher for the D.B.D Research Institute went dark.
Grey Area Protective Services, the public security arm of D.B.D sent in a team to investigate.
They have not been heard from since



                     EMBRACED THE DEAD

                                                         embraced the dead                             

The rotting dead slowly clawed their way through the hard packed grave soil. The risen corpse only had one purpose, to feed on the living.
Somewhere on the welsh border; the insular village of Seeton continues its usual business unaware that the world around them is falling prey to the reanimated dead. Their routine lives are abruptly turned on their heads when a lone scientist arrives in their village with the virus close behind.
Dean Kasnovski had arrived home, his mind laden with the guilt of leaving his fellow researchers to perish in the secret laboratory hidden deep under the streets of London.
Dean is positive that a cure can be found but he’s quickly running out of time. As the villagers, departed loved ones return to feast on their warm bodies, Seeton’s surviving population direct their hate at the strangers in the village.




What would you do if the zombies attacked?
It was a question Michael had joked about with his friends on several occasions, but when it became a reality, Michael was forced to make decisions which would lead to his family surviving, or not.
Set in in Edinburgh, Scotland, and written in the style of a diary, this short story covers the decisions and actions taken by an ordinary man to try to ensure the safety of his family facing an imminent zombie attack.
This short story is also available in the book 'Terror Twister - Horror Stories with a Twist'.
Around 10,500 words. Contains strong language.
Now includes the introductory sample to the forthcoming Rise of the Witch: Book 1 of the Witch Hunter series.


                             Here is a new publication that was released in this past January . This title is written by a British writer by the name of

                                                                                                              Sarah Rayne.




Stilter House, set in a remote part of the Derbyshire Peaks, is said to stand on haunted ground. Once there was a much older property there – a house in which the notorious Isobel Acton committed a vicious crime. But antiques dealer Nell West only knows the house as her dead husband’s childhood home, and is happy to value the contents.

In Oxford, Nell’s lover, Michael Flint is warned that Nell and her small daughter, Beth, must not go to Stilter House. ‘Because Esmond is still there…’

Soon after Nell and Beth arrive, Nell hears a piano being played somewhere in the house. But the music room is closed up, the piano is locked, and the key is missing. And clues left by earlier occupants suggest the music has been heard before…

As Nell and Michael are pulled deeper into Stilter House’s dark past, it becomes horrifingly clear that not only is the music bound up with Esmond, it is also tangled with Isobel’s macabre fate.


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