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Showing posts from January, 2012

Tuesday Surprise

Good morning my Bloggers its Tuesday and yet I feel so very much that it is still Monday! Sorry that I haven't been keeping up the last 2 days with my book reports. I was kind of having a Friday the 13th type of WEEK !!Although the weather is warm outside , I must admit that it is mighty weird for being January 31st. Come on where is the ? (you already know what I am about to say ) The snow? Today I bring my Jeanine Frost fans a treat ,                                      Jeanine Frost will be coming out with a new Novel                                               ...

Beg For Mercy Sunday

             I hope everyone enjoyed this weeks picks! I have decided to make Sunday in to one the most scariest to me reviews. The first one that I bring to you is bad girls don’t die ,,                                                  Just take a moment and look at the cover. For one it is frightening !! If I was to walk in to my kids room and see that I think I would shit myself! Katie Alender Great cover girl I definitely have to give you 5 stars for the cover alone!                                     ...

Super Saturday Morning

You guys I couldn't wait to post about this ! I need a real answer here from all of my blogger friends. Now if you are true Horror fan ,such as I . Then the Original Queen of horror is coming out with a brand new title in February. Can anyone guess who I am referring too?? Anne Rice That is what I said , Anne Rice is coming out with something new too. No it is not a continuation about The Vampire Chronicles . Or about the lives Of The Mayfair Witches or The Angels. Even though some of us would love this to be true. She has moved to one of my favorite of genres . Werewolves…..                                                        ...

Hot Friday

It's Friday Everyone !!!! Can you live 28 years and discovering that you are a Witch?   Debora Geary ( A modern Witch Series) Lauren is downtown Chicago's youngest elite realtor. She's also a witch. She must be - the fetching spell for Witches' Chat isn't supposed to make mistakes. So says the woman who coded the spell, at least. The tall, dark, and handsome guy sent to assess her is a witch too (and no, that doesn't end the way you might think). What he finds in Lauren will change lives, mess with a perfectly good career, and require lots of ice cream therapy. Review: One reader calls it Refreshing ! Another Reviewer say's : I absolutely loved this book. Funny, sweet, entertaining. I want to become part of this world and be adopted into the Walker clan. So I have discovered another title on Amazon for the Kindle (Geesh I am finding myself more on Amazon then Barnes and Noble & I have the Nook Color) This is a stroy called Alice in DeadLa...

Thursday Book News By Lady Journal

                             Hello blogger Hope all is well this week so far. We are on are way to Friday music to my ears .  OK all you Charlene Harris fans , I am not to sure sure if you know the good news. But there is a book 12 coming out in May 2012 !! Yes there is ....                                                   DEAD LOCKED                                           ...

Nook Fairy Review on Hump Day

What does the Nook fairy have you Nook Owners this week? As everyone knows it is Hump Day and we are half way over for this week! I don’t know about you , but I can smell Friday coming!                                                                 The Nook Fairy has brought you New Release's this week from Barnes and Noble…. The New Release List Darker after midnight By Lara Adrian 2. H.T’s Night Vampire love Story Box’s Set Book 1 : Vampire Love Story Book 2: The Were-Wolf Whisper Book3: Forever & Always Book 4: Vampires & Werewolves Book 5: Were Wolf Love Story VAMPIRE LOVE STORY Josiah Reign is a lover and a fighter. Out for a simple jog, he happens upon a young woman who needs help. So Josiah does what he does best. He takes on her attacke...

Few More Days left to Enter !

Good Tuesday evening my fellow blog friends.  I thought I would drop in and remind everyone that the contest for a copy of Kresley Cole Lothaire ends in a couple days !

Tacky Tuesday's Book

  It’s another Tuesday ,which means one more day out of the week out of the way ! One thing I must confess is my love for angels and fairies ! They are just the coolest looking beings. And so when I see a book with one of them on the cover , I got to check it out. Yes …….. yes I do judge most of my books by the cover. It just totally attracts me , I just love them . Now back to the serious stuff . At first then I turn it around and read the back. It isn't making it past the shelf if the back cover isn't showing me some love. For Tacky Tuesday I bring to you …. Angels Flight By Nalini Singh                                                                                      ...

Monday Book Mania

                                                                                                                                           OMG everyone it is Monday already ? It’s time to rise and shine nice and early , if you have kids get them up for school. Feed them and ship them right out the door to school. But I have a treat to go with that coffee or tea or what ever may have you . Amazon always has the Greatest list of books along with Shelfari...