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Showing posts from February, 2012

Tuesday Night Book News

Good Evening my blog friends.  Tonight I bring to you a great list of books. From a wonderful book source that I use frequently. Goodreads I love that place,I also use Shelfari from time to time. But G.R seem to be were its at. For those of you that are not aware of with it. I'd have to say that I would be surprised if you havent used this great resource for books. It is a place were you can catalog your own selection of books. What your reading , what your going to be reading. Plus you can also review too. Love it ,along with cool groups that you can join and follow there suggestions and reviews. One that I follow is called Forthcoming and once in awhile they send me an email with a list of titles that I can add to my catalog if I'd like. So I have decided to share this list with you. First is, Eventide  (Dark Ink Chronicles #3) The Modern Fae's Guide to Surviving Humanity                     ...


I have been a fan of Johnny Depp since I can remember! The first time I layed my brown eyes on the famous and very talented star Mr.Depp in Nightmare on Elm st. When he was Nancy's boyfriend who lived up the scary block on Elm st. Poor guy got sucked in to his mattress ,when having a nightmare . We all remember that Famous seen in the movie. Who wasn't a Freddy fan back in the 80's. Plus the all so famous episode 21 Jump St. With another famous actor  Holly Berry .  You know there going to be coming out with the Movie this year. But sadly I don't get why Johnny isn't playing his role. Sorry that just ruins it for me! I most likely will not go out of my way to see this in theaters. But the handsome actor from Nicholes Sparks famous Title Dear John ,Actor Channing Tatum . Will also be in 21 Jump st . Well you know I wouldnt mind gazing in to that sexy specimen of a man! But we want Johnny. According to Johnny will be in it ,but he will be a little different...

Apocalyptic Sunday Book News

It is Sunday again and I am 3 seconds to freaking out cause I really don't understand were exactly the weekends go? Amanda Ashley has a novel that is coming out in June this summer that caught my eye. A Vampire’s Kiss. A Woman’s Surrender. Tall, dark, mysterious—and with a faint scar on his cheek that only makes him more gorgeous—Kaiden Thorne is one schoolgirl obsession Skylynn never forgot. Now, returning to her childhood home after eight years, she can’t believe her reclusive neighbor is still living across the street—and hotter than ever. Skylynn doesn’t know how Kaiden manages to stay so young, virile, and impossibly attractive. But she knows she wants him…even if he harbors a fearful secret he refuses to tell her. When Kaiden sees the beautiful young woman Skylynn has become, he can no longer control the bloodlust that is his true nature. Once he pulls Skylynn into his arms, presses his lips against hers—and accidentally draws blood—he longs for more. Only she possesses ...

Saturdays Book Talk

Happy Weekend Book lovers & Bloggers! This week was a truly hectic week and for some ungodly reason ! The weather was just as serious in New Jersey /Philadelphia Area. One minute you do not know if you are to just were a sweater ,or coat & scarf. I mean it is Febuary, right?! How many of you readers , read self published novels? I am curious to know this .Being when ever you see book blog's. You usualy see famous authors novels. (Usauly) Well I have decided to dedicate a day out of every week for Athours that are just starting out. The first title I am going to post today ,                                                DEMONS AT DEADNIGHT                   ...

Wednesday's Angelic Review

Happy Wednesday all & Ash Wenesday for some. Today I decided to do my picks on the lighter side of Angels today. So on this beautiful fine Wednesday I pick for you ,                                                                  Everlasting                                                                    By Elizabeth Chandler   ...

Finished The Dark and Hollow Places By Carrie Ryan

 Finally I have come to the end of The Dark and hollow Places by Carrie Ryan. Carrie Ryan you are one of the Best Author that I have read in a long time! If you havent read this yet, get it .                                                             You will not be able to place it down!! In the first book The Forrest of hands and teeth . Mary the main character had to live in a world surrounded by a fence. The Law which are Nunes by the way ,tells her and the others to never go outside that fence! Because outside the fence are were the unclean wonder. They wonder continuesly hungry. Hungry for you , they hang on the fence and moan and and cry for your flesh. Never go to close ,beacus...

Apocalypse Sunday Review

                                          Bloggers from everywhere I am back on another Apocalyptic Sunday . Why do I call it Apocalyptic ,cause the following day is Monday!! It’s just like the world ending , although this week it is something special for me ( Monday is a Holiday!) :)                                                 172 Hours On The Moon By John Hartstad                                ...

It's Thirsty Thurday Review

      Hey my fellow blog lovers!! It is Thursday and if you could just see me right now, this girl is doing the it's almost the weekend booty poppin dance :) J.K But I am blessed to have a 3 day weekend .Being the library is closed on Monday!! Now that Rocks.... Erica O'Rourke came out with a facsinating book called Torn (Torn Trilogy#1)               Torn (Torn Trilogy#1)                                                                                        ...