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Showing posts from April, 2012

Share it on Facebook

I'm really not to sure if everyone really realized that you can blog on your facebook. You know that section where it says  My Notes ? I often wondered to many times, why in the world is their a note section on my profile? Only to end up use it for poems or something. Well now I will be sharing any blog postings right there. By the way I think is something special. :) Now I am sure everyone knows about the website Good In case you do not Lady Zombie Journal will tell you about it. Good Reads is website where you can catalog your novels that you are reading or gonna read and give your own review of it. Also there are easy links on every novel to other website like Amazon or Barnes and Noble where you may purchase that title. During my daily researching and cataloging I have discovered a new Author, who is my new Novel Love! Her name is Rhiannon Frator , Title is The First days..                ...

Thursday Pick

Lady Journal I think I’m feeling this, Thursday Review     Blogger’s. … Bloggers in this blogging nation.. I just have to tell you a little story about a novel I bought a while ago. This novel sat on my bookshelf for a very long time that is before I opened it. I moved from Philadelphia to this little southern town in South Jersey called Millville, It is in Cumberland County . Now I am assuming this girl is a local in Millville .But she could just be a resident of the county. All I know is that they (as in the locals) claim her to be one of them. Her name is Kelly Varesio and the title is Insperatus. About the Author, she is this young girl for one .I give the up-most respect to her for writing alone. Remarkable.. Just amazing talent!!! Because when she wrote her novel I believe she was still attending high school. In which she graduated in 2009 and just last year she graduated for her nursing degree. Kelly had written Insperatus out of these idea/visi...

Manic Monday Author Review

            Lady Journal           Manic Monday     Author Review Happy Monday all to all of my blog friends, I have decided to get my ass back in gear with one my favorite things to do. Which is Reading and (writing) or Blogging about books? I hope your holiday weekend was Blissful and spent with those you love. For me it was low key the kiddies were away with the Ex’s and so I was in the relax zone! Just so I may become prepared to do what I do best and that is discussing books. Author Lynda Hillburn caught my eye today along with her so many title that I yet to sink my brown eyes in to. Personally I find her to be this person of interest she is actually interesting spirit. Author BIO:    Lynda Hillburn Lynda is an old soul; she speaks of in her website about being just that. She says, I sometimes feel as if I already lived several lifetimes in the years that...

Thirsty Thursday

                                                                     Once again it has been to long since I have been blogging about my other true love. Which is Novels!! See Lady Zombie has been booked with work & writing my first novel.  In which I will be sharing my posts for that soon to. Gena Showalter is an awesome writer. She has so many titles in the Romance, Paranormal ,YA genre. Like , . . . The Darkest Night Bk.1 (Lords of the Underworld Series) or Tales of the extrodenary girl series, Alien Huntress, and Intertwined. She is now coming out with an Alice in Wonderland Remix's as I like to call it. :)     ...