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Showing posts from July, 2012

Thirsty Saturday Book Gossip

                                                            Let's just say this week I really piled it up for myself.  1. The Demonologist (The Extraordinary Career of Lorraine and Ed Warren) By Gerald Brittle 2. Plague Of The Dead (The Morning Strain ) By Z.A Recht 3. Intervention By Terri Blackstock  4. Quarantine The loners by Lex Thomas 5. Miss Peregrine's home for Peculiar Children By Ransom Riggs 6. A Zombie-ish Apocalypse By Shannon Mayer  I have been really trying my damn-est this week on getting them done. But with work and kids and writing . This week I also was studying for my permit test. Yes world a grown woman with out a drivers Licences in her thirties. lol  Who wants to enter one oth hottest contest that I have seen in awhile!    ...

This is not a Test . . . is it ?

Bloggers I am sad to say this . I just have to tell you that I am not the kind of person that ,Ever wants to make someone feel bad! I do not encourage giving bad reviews and what I am about to tell you really isn't a bad per say review?!  This book that I am working on reading . I am really struggling with it. First of all , I never ever claim to be a an English Major . No I most deffinetly dont  think that I have perfect grammar. But there has to be a way to explain what I've experianced while reading this novel. I never do this unless the book is unreadable. Then in that case I give up all together ! Let me explain my thoughts on the Novel This is Not a Test by Courtney Summer. I get the book, super excited after all everyone is talking about it . So I buy it on my Nook so I can read it right away. It starts of great ,the relationship with her and father is sad. Her thoughts on suicided and missing her only sister. But my question to you all is ? Was any of...

Stop the Publishers !!!

s Hey everyone are you enjoying the coolness outside on the East-coast or what? For once I am actually home all alone ,no teens making any noise in the background. In desperate need to knock Mommy off the computer .Because we all know America Teens need their internet access ! OMG the world is gonna end mom I need Face-book!!         As a librarian assistant it is also part of my job to help out with cataloging . I am not to sure how all other libraries work it . But at our's the staff does a little bit of everything. I do alot of book suggesting for our library . Mainly for the Paranormal- Horror and Y.A genre. The reason I get on to this subject is, something is really bothering with me. Publishers are really making things unnecessarily Ridiculous ,along with some authors !! Everyone knows how essential the Library is to a neighborhood, a community?   Why make it hard for us? As if we don't do...

Thirsty Thursday

Good day Blog World and I have to express my feelings today you guys. I love to blog ,it is so much fun to do. I I love to read and write about the cool novels that I read . But I have to make announcement to you.                    I will be narrowing it down to maybe one post a week now. Only because I have been working on a writing project that I must complete. So please bare with me . Thanks                                       It's amazing that Thirteen Reasons why is still active on the best sellers list.  Is still active on Amazon for the Essential books for young adults.   Thirteen  Reasons Why Google Said :  Clay Jensen returns home from school to find a strange package with his name on it lying on his porch. Inside he discovers several cassette tapes recorded by Hannah Baker - his classmate and cr...

Fighting to Survive By Rhiannon Frater

                                                                    Now I know for a fact that I have spoken to you guys about this amazing writer named Rhiannon Frater ! Oh course also about the As The World Dies Series too.  When I read the first one called The First Days . I couldn't put this book down!! Action pack from the very first sentence to the last and I was just so happy to find a great zombie read. Fight To Survive most definitively took off to where it left off . Same character's & more .                                       Monster Girl gives :    5 Stars    Over View From Good Reads   Picking up where  The First Days  ends,...

Introducing Monster Girl

OK everyone I did add another alias for myself. On live Journal I am also known as Monster girl inc. So don't be to confessed when you see that . I am the Mona Lisa of horror. And I will stand by that to the end. Due to another blogger calling herself Queen Zombie or Zombie queen. Which is fine you were here long before I . So it is only fair. Why am I rambling on , but anyhow I am still Lady Zombie or Monster Girl. Now on with the line up . I have been working on my TBR pile . And it's truly hard people. What the hell I wish that I could be a speed reader and add it all. But I can't so I have to pick and choose for the summer list.                                          Here are my weekend recommends   Synopsis Alexa O'Brien has never been like other people. A hunter of supernatural rogues, she is a werewolf with unusual but extra...

Zombie Challenge (Book Chic City)

                                                                                                This Challenge is ran threw Book Chic City Head on over to her blog to see the full information. Here are some of the basic details: •  Timeline : 01 Jan 2012 – 31 Dec 2012 • Rules : There are FOUR (4) LEVELS to choose from: - One Chomp : Read 6 Zombie books in 2012  - Two Chomps : Read 12 Zombie books in 2012  -  Three Chomps : Read 18 Zombie books in 2012 - Four Chomps : Read 24 Zombie books in 2012 I will aim for One chomp to start, and see where I can get from there. I’m not sure which books I will read yet, so will update them as I go. This will be under my Challenges section, which is where I will keep all my blogs and inf...
Book Chick City Challenge Book Chick City’s 2012 Horror & Urban Fantasy Reading Challenge seemed right up our street! This challenge is open to anyone and you can sign up here. CHALLENGE DETAILS Timeline: 01 Jan 2012 – 31 Dec 2012 There are two levels: Read TWENTY FOUR (24) horror & urban fantasy novels in 2012 Read FORTY EIGHT (48) horror & urban fantasy novels in 2012 You don’t have to select your books ahead of time, you can just add them as you go. Also if you do list them upfront you can change them, nothing is set in stone! The books you choose can crossover into other challenges you have on the go. You can join the challenge at anytime. All books read in 2012 count towards the challenge regardless of when you sign up. Audiobooks do not count, but all other formats are accepted. No non-fiction – only fiction. This challenge can crossover to other challenges. 2012 Reading Challenge Lady Journal has read 14 books toward her goal of 100 books. ...

Hump Day Review

                     Hump Day Review                        Brought to you by Lady Zombie                                                                 Friday the 13Th is coming.. . . . . .  Friday the 13th unlucky day for some ,that's what they say. Incredibly, they found that in the region sampled, while consistently fewer people chose to drive their cars on Friday the 13th, the number of hospital admissions due to vehicular accidents was significantly higher than on "normal" Fridays. Their conclusion:   The risk of hospital admission as a result of a transport accident may be increased by as much as 52 percent. Staying at home is recommended." According to on Urban Le...