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Showing posts from April, 2013

Sin’day Night Blood Fest Review

Can I just start off tonight's blog with OMG I am loving the weather out here! I mean you can really start to feel the spring outside! I spent the whole weekend just weeding my plants and planting. Ok enough already about my nerdy life. Let's get it on with some hot ass titles that I found this weekend! OK Kindle lovers here is a title that I happen to come across for only 99 cents.                                                                                                         ...

Upcoming . . .

                                                           ATTENTION Hey Blog Readers I want to let everyone know for those of you that follow me from . I will be leaving the website ( I just find that there is just to many technical issues for me. So in the end I am going to have to stick with So please if you are a follower of mine, please follow my updates at                                           ...

Win Win Win giveaway (Charlaine Harris Last of the series)

                                                                                                           L a dy V o odo o Giveaw ay    If you want the chance to win a giftcard for Amazon. All you have to do is go to my Giveaway page or click the link to my FaceBook Page.                               ...

Tuesday Night Anoucement

                                                                                                                                                                  Lady Voodoo is having her monthl...